Sunday, October 17, 2010

may angels lead you in

R.I.P. Charles Dajoun Conley 9-9-91 - 10-17-10
You were an amazing person, one who could make the whole room shine just in your presence. You always knew how to make people laugh. You are the one person who could make me laugh so much that my stomach would hurt every time. I think everyone can agree that you had a heart of gold. your heart was big enough to let everyone and anyone in. And you proved that to be true with the countless people who came to your lighting yesterday. So all we can do right now is take a little part of you with each of us, so that one day when we all meet again, we can put back the pieces together. You always saw everyone as a team, a family, our class of 2010. Your death has brought so many people together. You touched the lives of so many people: friends, family, and even strangers. That is how much of an impact you have on us.

I've only known you for a year but the memories I had with you will stay with me forever. I will always remember 2nd period gym class with you. The time when you lost at the watermelon game and in order to get back into the game, we dared you to run around the gym pulling your shirt up; having Ms. Pisano tell you to stop and having the rest of us laugh hysterically. The time when we would play football and you picked me to be on your team (thank god I was not last picked because I stink at football). You were so hyped and into the game, even if it was just gym class. The time when you started dancing out of nowhere right in front of Ms. Pisano (she couldn't help but laugh). These moments might have seem so trivial at the time, but looking back, they were probably the best times I had with you.

I do regret not being able to get to know you better. My prayers and love goes out to you and your family. You'll forever be in all of our hearts. To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you are the world. Rest in peace. I'll be seeing you Charles.

Until then, you are our angel. Keep us safe